Why grade 12 university level English should be a requirement for entry into all university programs.

Should grade 12 University level English be a requirement for entry into all university programs?

Image by fluencycorp.com

Those who have taken English since beginning school may be wondering why taking four years of English in high school is important. Why is grade 12 university level English important for university when your dream career may be more hands on work rather than journalism or careers with loads of writing involved. Allow me to show you why learning English is not just learning the language. 

English is found in the media everywhere through books, movies, you name it. We are all consuming English at some point in time. Though almost decoding English media again and again in an English course may not sound overly exciting. Through a different perspective each author has their own unique style of writing, and you get front row seats in discovering new forms. You get to expand your vocabulary and create greater connections with your environment through understanding different forms of English media. 

Taking grade 12 university level English can give you the skills needed to analyze and write, which is very important for universities in every program. Being able to analyze forms of text is a crucial skill even if you're analyzing an instruction package. Writing your ideas confidently is very important for being successful in university. Through grade 12 English we are also further expanding our communication skills whilst clearly stating our ideas and opinions. Which is very important when presenting information in front of audiences. 

Another helpful skill that is learned in grade 12 university level English is note taking. Writing important information down in a way that is beneficial to you, will help you greatly succeed in any university classes.
Overall grade 12 university level English should be a requirement for university because of the many skills learned in the course that help students succeed in university. 


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog, and I'd say that you have very strong points that I concur with. English is incorporated into any post-secondary learning or job in the future, with communication, media, and more. I agree with your statement “You get to expand your vocabulary” because English class teaches students how to effectively read, write, and summarize. These skills are all important skills to have for communicating with others. I also relate to your point” Analyzing is a crucial skill” because in school we are tasked to analyze media, packages, etc. on a daily. Analyzing is a key skill to have in college/university and in future careers. It's critical to understand the task at hand in post-secondary and in the workplace when you're expected to excel. Overall I agree with your opinion and believe grade 12 university-level English should be expected when applying to a university program.

  2. Your blog had some good points which I agree with. The first point that I agree with is how English is found everywhere around us. During some points we may need to use our English learning more than other times but we are always using English. Another point I agree with is note taking in university as the professors will not take the time to show you have to take proper notes to succeed in their class or even wait for you to finish writing out the note. Grade 12 English will help you with condensed notes instead of trying to write what you see on the screen word for word. There are many skills learned in grade 12 English and will help you succeed in the future no matter if you are going to university, college, or straight into the workforce. English will always play a role in your life so having a good foundation is important.

  3. I loved the point you brought up about how in "...grade 12 English we are also further expanding our communication skills whilst clearly stating our ideas and opinions. Which is very important when presenting information in front of audiences." This idea is essential in university. Whether someone decides to go into law or medical sciences, you must present your findings correctly. It is so important to be concise, and articulate. These skills are what allow you to excel in university when you must write these essays because it makes your findings and research sound eloquent. Not only this, by providing strong evidence of proper English, it becomes second nature for you to weave your answers into a manner which is easy to understand. You can back up your arguments with strong evidence, but without proper grammar and exposure to English, your answers will fall short. This is why English is so essential.

  4. I really enjoyed reading through your blog! You brought up some extremely persuasive points that I agree with. I hadn't thought about note taking! I completely agree with you when you say that note taking is crucial when it comes to University courses. They expect you to be able to keep up with the speed of what they're saying and be able to accurately and quickly type or write the information down. Your other points were well thought through too! You can tell that you're experienced when it comes to grammar and writing in general!
    I enjoy the style that you use when writing. I think that you are very good at your tone and the way that you back up all of your opinions with facts while still being super respectful of your audience.


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